Thursday, February 12, 2009

Assignment #1 (02/13/2008)

5) Think back to some of the history we learned about today : do you see it reflected in either the lyrics or the musid of the songs? Explain your answer

- Yes, I think that the lyrics or the music of the songs are related to history when they were made. The lyrics express the condition of society or politics. The song used to use the method of protest. A number of people want to protest some improper regulation, but sometimes they don't do any action. Because if they do some action against the goverment it is illegal things and they will be arrested. So, they express their voice and emotion using the song indirectly. It is like paraphrasing things.

6) To be blue or to have the blues means to be sad. Are the blues sad? Explain

- Blues song sounds like sad because of its origin. The characteristic of blues is song and improvised instrument. It changed rhythm and melody depend on the mood. At that time, the black people was repressed. So, they tried to express their sadness, wish and delight in the music. That is why blues is sad.


  1. Good answers, it seemed you have many learn for blues.

  2. Hi Duhwan,

    Nice post! You've made a great point in acknowledging how music can be an important form of protest when it is sometimes too dangerous to do other things. Also, being able to express oneself despite persecution can sometimes deflate a potentially dangerous situation, so that real progress can be made instead of small events of piecemeal violence, etc. I think it is important to realize, too, that the blues aren't always sad--there is delight and hope in the blues as well.
